zeelproject.com / Pricing / Tariff Plans

Get the ideal tariff plan for your projects

Get access to a large number of 3D Models for your projects from different manufacturers around the world.

Best Value
Get the 3D Models you need, when you need them. Single user.
Choose one of this plans, if you don't use a lot of 3D Models in a month. Single user.
Choose the right amount and download as many 3D Models as you need. Single user.
Get a lot of 3D Models for your projects. For advanced users. Single user.
More 3D Models and team collaboration. For you and your team members.
Credits total (for year)
Credits per month
Credits per month
Credits per month
Credits per month
$2499 $4999 $9999
$499 $4999 $999 $9999 / month/ year
$1999 $199 $4999 $499 $9999 $999 / month/ year
$199 $1 999 / month/ year
$499 $4 999 / month/ year
*Up to 10 team members
Payment options
Payment options
Payment options
Payment options
Payment options
3D Model 1 Credit
3D Scene 10-120 Credits

Notification: If you are downloading same 3D Model or 3D Scene in same day, credits will not be spent. Used credits are non-refundable.

Frequently asked questions

How do ZEEL PROJECT 3D Models subscription plans work?
Our subscription plans provide the best deal on 3D Models and include access to our full library of 3D Models and 3D Scenas. By enrolling in a subscription, you will have a download allotment, which resets at the end of each billing cycle. You can cancel your subscription anytime by turning off the auto renewal feature. Our annual subscription lets you save as much as 20% compared to the monthly option.
Should I purchase a subscription plan or an On-Demand pack?
The no-subscription packages (On-Demand) are best for those who don't have a steady need for 3d models. Monthly or annual subscriptions are ideal for ongoing 3D Model needs and offer the highest discounts. Subscription plans offer varying amounts of 3D models per month.
Can I download 3D scenes after purchasing a tariff plan?
3D Scenes are ready-made scenes with their own 3D Models and settings. After purchasing any tariff plan, you can download 3D Scenes, considering how many credits one scene costs.
How does auto renewal work?
Our auto renewal feature ensures that your subscription will be automatically renewed so you maintain uninterrupted service. Subscriptions are automatically renewed upon expiration of the subscription. You can easily manage your auto renewal settings on the plans page.
What is the difference between tariff plans for a single user and for a team?
An single user account provides access for only one person to download and use content. If you work on a team or in a company setting, a team subscription account would be the best fit for you. Please contact us and we would be happy to help you find the right plan.
Can I change my tariff plan?
Ran out of your monthly allotment or need more or less 3D Models on a regular basis? We understand things change. You can cancel your current subscription and switch to another plan at any time. You can always contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
Can I cancel my plan if I don’t need it anymore?
You are free to cancel your subscription at any time by turning off auto renewal in your plan settings. Since you have already paid for the subscription at the beginning of the billing cycle, you will still be able to use your remaining downloads until the end of your billing cycle.
Can I get a refund if I cancel my plan?
We’ll gladly refund purchases made within the first 14 days, as long as you cancel your subscription without using credits. After 14 days or once a plan is used, it is no longer eligible for a refund.

*Up to 10 team members - If you need access for multiple users, we also offer team plan that can be purchased annually or on a month-to-month basis. For teams we offer subscription for 10 users. For larger teams contact our experts to explore your options.

Payment Methods


Stripe (USD) - Payments infrastructure for the internet


Yookassa (RUB) - Payments infrastructure for the internet